hah wad am i crappin about, i know nth abt life =.=
but today i made a very bad choice..... one choice i think i will regret makin it.
sigh...i dont feel like talkinn abt today y dun i talk abt the pass :D
a few days ago, durin my tuition class my friend and i were goofin around draw some damn funny pictures
here let me show u XD
well the book he's holdin suppose to be a drawin of me, sry if u cant see. clickon it XD
after some time, he wanna make it a lil bit over the top if u know wad i mean.
it turns out that the rest of the picture has become a comic superhero or something... i dunno =.=
despite all the pressure from the exams, we still have fun though.
well i guess thats life... haha
hey, what happened man? share la.. if not, what's blogging for rite? anyways, i doubt if you ever check your blog frontpage =.=
wad do u mean i nvr check my blog frontpage =.=
cuz u ignored my previous comment in the previous post!
so i thought u din check =.=
sry man~ =]
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